
Terms of Use
  • E-learning: Concept comprising all forms of electronically supported teaching and learning processes. It gathers other common definitions of services and tools, e.g. CBT, LMS, VLE, among others.
  • Remote Experimentation (RE): Is a sub-domain of the traditional E-learning extending the common features of virtual learning environments, providing resources, tools and methodologies for the conduction of real experiments through the Internet using remote laboratories / weblabs.
  • Remote laboratory / Weblab: Usually defined in literature using both terms (remote laboratory or weblab), imply the remote access to real experiments, using an Internet connection. Different users (students, teachers, technicians, or others) interact with real equipment like in traditional laboratories, however they are not required to be in the laboratory, since they can access it through a simple network-capable accessing device (mobile or not).
Last modified: Sunday, 12 July 2020, 10:20 AM